If Others can Succeed … So can You!



I recall the first time I had to take a “Physics” class in high school… Prior to that, I’d heard how hard it was, and how difficult to pass. With that in mind, and knowing I was expected to turn in good grades at the end of the semester, I decided to prep my mom. So, I had a little “talk” with her. I explained how really hard Physics was (this was before I even took a class!); I supported my “lecture” and claims with testimonies of people failing this particular class. Truth is …I was SCARED of Physics; terrified is actually a better description of my feelings at that time.


I was so sure I had made a good statement with my mom, and was definitely going to get her support … a support to fail … Was I shocked when she wisely replied, “But people pass it, right?” I nodded slowly. “Well, if others can pass, then so can you!”


She said that with such conviction, such trust, such confidence, that I INSTANTLY forgot my fears! I left her presence excited, determined to pass “Physics”. I was bent on studying as hard as was required, listen as attentively to the teacher as I could; ask questions when confused … I was just so sure now that I CAN and WOULD pass Physics … and I DID! Not only did I pass Physics, but I won a prize for being the third best Physics Student that year!


And why am I recounting this experience? Because, it has never ceased to motivate me – even decades after.


Over the years, as I meet challenges, embark on new assignments; try a new vocation, new business, whatever, I always remember, “If others can, so can you!”


Now I’m not advocating greed or discontentment. I’m in no way advocating covetousness either. Neither am I advocating trying to be like everyone else. Rather, my point is, God created you to fulfill a purpose, and many a times, fulfilling that purpose will come with many different challenges … when God gives you an assignment, you WILL need Him in order for you to fulfill that assignment – “without me you can do nothing.”1


And because these assignments often are outside of our comfort zone, we tend to shy away from it, put it off, or downright not do it. Why? Because we think we can’t. We recall how many have failed in that particular effort; even when we see some succeed at it, we think “Well they are special, they can, but I can’t”. That is nothing but the lie of the devil!


You can! If it is something that the Lord has placed in your heart and your motives are right, then YOU CAN! You only need to ask God to help you, and He will. I pray that this has inspired you today. Arise and DO IT!


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”2


Bible Verses:

1. John 15:5

2.  Philippians 4:13

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