Categories: Life Matters

I Am Relevant!

As I sat behind my laptop, going about my business, I heard in my spirit, “You are relevant to your generation!” It was so strong, my heart leaped for joy. I felt I needed to share this right away! Someone somewhere needed to be reminded of this truth!

Have you been feeling you don’t matter, that you are just existing, and no one special? Do you feel there’s nothing you can do to change anything happening here on earth…Guess what that is? Another BIG LIE from the pit of hell.

Here’s what God’s got to say about you:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” –Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

Now, whose report will you believe?

One of the enemy’s tactics is to make you feel irrelevant, like you really don’t matter; to make you feel it’s okay to live an ordinary life, why try to be extraordinary anyway? Just get by, right? WRONG! God has called us to live extra-ordinary lives…to let our lights shine, to be the salt of this earth, here and now, not by and by!

Among the many usefulness of salt, here are a few: Salt preserves, salt add taste to meals, salt even cleanses, removes stains. As the salt, you add taste to the earth, taste to the life of those around you. As the salt, the lives of those you come across on life’s journey become enriched and meaningful. You don’t have to be in the pulpit to affect lives! Right there in your home, church, office, community, you are the salt. Live with that consciousness, that as the salt you bring hope and meaning to those that are weary, you add taste to the lives of those that are disillusioned…sometimes that is all the Lord has called you to do. So go be the salt of this earth!

What about being the light of the world? Let’s imagine you are in an unfamiliar area. All around is deep darkness, but then you see a light in the distance. What do you do? Naturally you turn your gaze that way, you are naturally attracted to that light; and more likely than not, you move in the direction of that light. You go to the light. That is how we are in this dark world.

The world is full of gross darkness of pain, poverty, rejection, anguish, disappointments, hopelessness…and the list goes on, unfortunately. However, God has made you the light of the world. “Let your light shine”! As your light shines, the world sees the extra-ordinary in you. When everyone around you is depressed, you are joyous. When the world is saying there’s a casting down, you are testifying of a lifting up. When the world is gripped by fear, you are confident that you abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91). These will naturally draw men to you, to seek your Source of joy, provision, confidence etc.

Your light shinning will draw the brokenhearted to confide in you; it will bring the hopeless to your doorstep to be lead to the Source of hope. This is how we affect our world one soul at a time, leading them to Jesus, our Source. Of a truth, you and I are relevant. Let’s go forth and be the salt, and let our lights so shine that our Father in Heaven will be glorified.

Remind yourself of this truth everyday, and as many times as you remember to during each day: I AM RELEVANT! I MATTER TO MY GENERATION!


Yes, always remember…YOU ARE RELEVANT! So BE RELEVANT!

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Rali is the Author of the Scripture Works! book series. She enjoys studying, meditating and writing about God's word; and love to help others discover and fulfill their God-ordained purposes in life

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