
Must Ask Questions for Everyone – Rediscover Your Gift

We rode the 7:12 train together every morning, but both preferred the quiet car, meaning no conversation on the train. However we became buddies waiting for the train’s arrival each morning. So we did all our talking before boarding the train!

She was about middle age, very pleasant, very intelligent; and each time I saw her at the train station, we’d start a conversation.

I started to board the 7:46, and didn’t see her for over 6 months, until this particular day.

It had been a bitterly cold winter. As a matter of fact, “bitterly cold” was an understatement. Everyone was tired of the below zero temperatures, even the snow had lost its magic with the little ones. “When it gets warmer, can you take us to the park?” my little girl had asked my husband. There was no more thrill in making “snow angels”. Everyone longed for some warm weather.

But this Monday morning, we finally reached the 40’s! It was like summer to me. As I walk to my usual spot at the station, I spotted my train buddy! It had been so long since I last saw her, so we started to catch up…somewhat.

They were getting “retrained” where she worked. She had been given the assignment to report to the group on what her “drive” was. She told me, at first she didn’t know what to write, she just had never really given it a thought before now. So for days, she just stared at a blank page…until finally, she really began to THINK….”what motivates me? What will I really love to do, whether or not it puts the bacon on my table?” And the result? She went from a blank page to several pages!


What’s driving you?

Such is the case with many of us today. We get lost in the ”busyness” of life. We settle into our usual routines and don’t even give ourselves permission to think or dream about the life we really desire. But then, deep down within us, many feel dissatisfied, knowing there is “something” they should be doing.

But when you begin to give it deep thoughts, you’ll discover there is that special something that makes your adrenaline jump, whenever you think of it. Sometimes, it’s something that comes so natural to us; we don’t even think it’s anything special. If you are naturally organized, for example, ask the person that finds it hard to organize their stuff, and they’ll tell you how blessed you are. For some it is singing, others writing, some love to teach, and some are just gifted working with children…and the list goes on.

What are you gifted at? What do you enjoy doing? What can you keep doing without losing interest? Even if it is talking, that in itself is a gift, if used prudently. Do you know some can’t talk for too long and not get tired? Your gifts and talents were given to you for a reason, to fulfill a purpose. Find it, and use it for the glory of God.

As you begin to consider your gifts, think on these as well:

  • Who can be blessed by your special gift?
  • How can you bless others with your gifts and talents?
  • Where can you volunteer your talent?
  • How can you make some extra income from your gifts and talents?

Ask God and He will guide you. Don’t return to your Maker with your gift hidden, and unproductive. I pray you discover and recognize your gifts and talents; and that you use them to glorify God.

God’s blessings!



***If you are ready to take immediate action, get help in setting goals, having a plan, and committing to it, you might be interested in:

“7 Days of Power”

It is a prayer book with goal setting ideas. Don’t forget to take the challenge at the end of the book.


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Rali is the Author of the Scripture Works! book series. She enjoys studying, meditating and writing about God's word; and love to help others discover and fulfill their God-ordained purposes in life

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