Categories: Life Matters

Rekindle your Dreams

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. – Galatians 6:9 (NLT)


It’s August already! What does that thought do to you? Are you excited when you think we are 8 months into the year already, or do you have a tinge of regret, that the year is almost gone and you don’t even know what happened to those goals you started the year with!


Well, you may not have done everything, or any of the things, you set out to accomplish this year, but it’s not time to give up on them altogether. It’s better starting late than never. In other words, it’s better to start that project, that workout, that new habit (whatever it is) late, than never give it a try at all. Don’t buy the lie that it’s to late this year, and don’t get tempted to wait to start over next year. Start right where you are.


If you are like most of us, you probably had something written down at the beginning of the year, which is a good thing – “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it” – Habakkuk 2:2, however, if you don’t know where those new year goals are, just start afresh! This time however, set achievable goals, and make a plan to “work your plan”.


One of the things I’ve found helpful so far this year, is breaking my goals for the year into months, then weeks, and even daily…and interestingly, I am getting to meet more goals than I did in the recent past. Of course, sometimes, not every weekly or daily goal is met, but at least you get something off your list, and carry the remaining goals forward.


Also, this year I learnt what I’ll call the “20 minute deadline”, and what is that?, you may wonder. Well it’s simply listing what you need done, but didn’t think you had the time for. You pick one task at a time, once a day, a week, a month, whatever works for you. It may be writing your book, cleaning that room in the house, making that phone call, starting the exercise… whatever it is. Set the alarm on your phone for just 20 minutes, and tackle that task! It may not be entirely completed in 20 minutes (like writing a book, for example), but you get some part of it done each time. I tried it, and it worked so well for me, I decided to do it more often.


Most of the things we’d think would take so long to get done,can be broken into segments, and tackled on “20 minute piece” one at a time; and you’ll be amazed how you’re checking things off your list. Even if you can only do it once a week, it’s still more productive than doing nothing at all.


So, don’t cave in on those goals you started the year with, get them back out, blow off the dust that’s gathered on them. Start a plan and do something today!

Rali Macaulay

© Wellspring Inspirations.

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Rali is the Author of the Scripture Works! book series. She enjoys studying, meditating and writing about God's word; and love to help others discover and fulfill their God-ordained purposes in life

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